memories for forgetting

or/ when you have lost your beauty / come sit by my side

The Great Bewilderment
2012, acrylic on linen, 183x122cm sold

A Vague Path
2012, acrylic on Linen, 76x76cm sold

Leave no trace

I am an ephemeral distraction

for your spiritual inaction

It is a kinder way to say

I am an error on your landscape

and when I am erased

which is after all

the colonial way

I will leave no trace

It is easier to balance air

than to try to stack rocks

in two neat piles

Traveller's Heart
2012, acrylic on Linen, 115x76cm sold

Without you

This is the story

of one love

that remains

forever thoughtful

It has become my mystery

to hide

to save

to savour

That could only survive

without you

And in every way

it is mine

It feeds on me

and breathes for me

to save me

from the Fall